Innovative Research's Pooled Normal Human Serum was recently used in the following studies:
Immunoproteomically Identified GBAA_0345, Alkyl Hydroperoxide Reductase Subunit C is a Potential Target for Multivalent Anthrax Vaccine
YH Kim, K Kim, YR Kim, MK Choi, HK Kim, KJ Choi... - Proteomics, 2013immunoproteomic analyses. A pooled sample of normal human sera was purchased from Innovative Research Inc. (Peary Court Novi, MI, USA). Sera from five patients with anthrax werealso used in this study. These patients contracted anthrax during Korean outbreaks in
Outer membrane protein P5 is required for resistance of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae to both the classical and alternative complement pathways.
CV Rosadini, S Ram, BJ Akerley - Infection and Immunity, 2013and incubated at 37C for 30min with or without pooled normal human serum (NHS) from 158healthy anonymous donors age 18-65 (final concentrations specified in the figures) (Innovative Research, Novi, Michigan)
Application of 31P NMR spectroscopy and chemical derivatization for metabolite profiling of lipophilic compounds in human serum
MA DeSilva, N Shanaiah... - Magnetic ..., 2009 - Wiley Online Libraryand used without further purification. Deuterated solvents were purchased from Cambridge isotope (Andover, MA). Human serum samples were obtained from Innovative Research (Novi, MI).
Staphylococcus aureus resistance on titanium coated with multivalent PEGylated-peptides
X Khoo, GA O'Toole, SA Nair, BD Snyder... - Biomaterials, 2010 Elseviersaturated peptide coating. Beads were washed three times in TBS-T then transferred into 100% human serum (Innovative Research; Novi, MI) and kept at room temperature on an orbital shaker. After various serum exposure
The TonB3 system in the human pathogen Vibrio vulnificus is under the control of the global regulators Lrp and CRP.
AF Alice... - Journal of Bacteriology, 2012 - Am Soc Microbiolat -80C. In some experiments commercial pooled normal human serum was used (Cat 106 IPLA-SER, Innovative Research, Novi, MI) with similar results to those obtained from 107 other source. Ferric ammonium citrate (200 μg/ml) (FAC) was added to allow V. 108
The use of strong anionexchange (SAX) magnetic particles for the extraction of therapeutic siRNA and their analysis by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry
G Ye... - Rapid Communications in Mass ..., 2011 - Wiley Online Library...Human serum used for the siRNA stability studies was obtained from Innovative Research (Novi, MI, USA). Strong anion-exchange (SAX) beads were purchased from Invitrogen (Dynabeads SAX, Cat No. 105.15D; Carlsbad, CA, USA) and Bioclone Inc.
Quantification of monosaccharides through multiplereaction monitoring liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry using an aminopropyl column LA Hammad, DZ Derryberry... - ... in Mass Spectrometry, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Louis, MO, USA). PNGase F (5000 units/mL) was obtained from Northstar BioProducts (East Falmouth, MA, USA), and human blood sera were obtained from Innovative Research (Novi, Michigan, USA). C18 and active charcoal...
Development of a Sensitive Bead-Based Assay for Enhanced Monoclonal Antibody Detection
ME Ruidaz, N Mendez, AB Sanchez... - MRS ..., 2011 - Cambridge Univ Pressof 100ul of 3% BSA solution, 10ul of PBS with a specific concentration of monoclonal alemtuzumab antibody as obtained from the UCSD cancer center pharmacy (Genzyme, Cambridge, MA), 10ul of human serum, purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI) and Valley
New neutralizing antibody epitopes in hepatitis C virus envelope glycoproteins are revealed by dissecting peptide recognition profiles
A Kachko, G Kochneva, G Sivolobova... - Vaccine, 2011 - Elseviercounted as positive. Negative controls were represented by normal mouse serum (NMS); normal human serum (Innovative Research, Novi, MI) and chimpanzee sera obtained prior to immunization/challenge. Titres are expressed
ApoB-100-containing Lipoproteins Are Major Carriers of 3-Iodothyronamine in Circulation E Placzek, TS Scanlan - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012 - ASBMB
500 μl of normal pooled serum, human and rat serum from Innovative Research, Novi, MI; mouse serum from Millipore, Billerica, MA) was incubated with tracer quantities of 125 IT 1 AM for 24h at 4 C in the presence or absence of excess unlabeled T 1 AM (50 μm).
Modulation of Thyroid Hormone Concentrations in Serum of Rats Coadministered with Perchlorate and Iodide-Deficient Diet
T Kunisue, JW Fisher, K Kannan - Archives of environmental ..., 2011 - SpringerThe accuracy and precision of the method were evaluated by the use of human serum (No. IR08-040) and rat serum (No. 71164736) purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). A procedural recovery test was conducted by using human serum as a representative matrix.
The effect of physiological concentrations of sex hormones, insulin, and glucagon on growth of breast and prostate cells supplemented with unmodified human serum
A Esfahani, CWC Kendall, B Bashyam... - In Vitro Cellular & ..., 2010 - SpringerThese were then diluted to the desired concentrations with serum-free medium. For the experiments, the media were supple- mented with 10% commercial human serum (pooled serum from male and females, Innovative Research Novi, MI).
Rapid, direct analysis of cholesterol by charge labeling in reactive desorption electrospray ionization
C Wu, DR Ifa, NE Manicke, RG Cooks - Analytical chemistry, 2009 - ACS Publications(Portsmouth, NH). The serum sample, pooled from 10 individuals, was purchased from Innovative Research Inc.(Novi, MI) and stored in -20 C until analysis. The rat brains were purchased from Pel-Freez Inc. (Rogers, AR).
Selective enrichment and sensitive detection of peptide and protein biomarkers in human serum using polymeric reverse micelles and MALDI-MS
N Rodthongkum, R Ramireddy, S Thayumanavan... - Analyst, 2012 - xlink.rsc.orgbiomarkers. Experimental section. Reagents. Pooled normal human serum was Acquired from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). ProteoSeek HSA/IgG removal kit was obtained from Pierce Biotechnology (Rockford, IL).
An efficient rHSV-based complementation system for the production of multiple rAAV vector serotypes
W Kang, L Wang, H Harrell, J Liu, DL Thomas... - Gene therapy, 2008 - nature.comH 2 SO 4 and detected by reading absorbance 450 nm. Pooled human serum (Innovative Research, Novi, MI, USA) was used as the hAAT positive control quantified as l.5 mg ml -1 of -1-antitrypsin.
Encapsulation and Release of Amphotericin B from an ABC Triblock Fluorous Copolymer
JP Jee, A McCoy, S Mecozzi - Pharmaceuticalresearch, 2011 - Springer1H,1H,12H,12H-Perfluoro-1,12-dodec- anediol was purchased from SynQuest Laboratories Inc. (Alachua, FL). Human serum was obtained from Innovative Research (Novi, MI USA). All solvents were of ACS grade or higher and were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Inc.
"Add to Subtract": A Simple Method to Remove Complex Background Signals from the 1 H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Mixtures
D Raftery, T Ye, C Zheng, S Zhang, NA Gowda... - Analytical ..., 2012 - ACS Publicationssubject with diabetes. Sample set 2: A human serum sample was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI) and aliquoted. One aliquot was used without further processing for CPMG experiments. For comparison, proteins
Serum and plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in abstinent alcoholics and social drinkers
C D'Sa, RJ Dileone, GM Anderson, R Sinha - Alcohol, 2012 ElsevierLow" and "High" concentration quality control (QC) pools were prepared by adding 10 ng or 100 ng to 5 ml portions of human serum (Innovative Research, Novi, MI, USA), giving nominal concentrations of 2 and 20 ng/ml, respectively....
Engineering Polypeptide Coatings to Augment Gene Transduction and< i> in vivo Stability of Adenoviruses
ZK Jiang, SBS Koh, M Sato, IC Atanasov, M Johnson... - Journal of Controlled ..., 2012Human serum (pooled from 10 donors) was purchased from Innovative Research, Inc., Novi, MI . Ad or Ad-K60KP370 was applied to AML-12 cells in serum-free media or serum-free media containing blood clotting factor, Factor X (FX), at physiological concentration (8 g/ml).
Proteolysis Breaks Tolerance Toward Intact 345 (IV) Collagen, Eliciting Novel Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Autoantibodies Specific for 345NC1 Hexamers
F Olaru, XP Wang, W Luo, L Ge, JH Miner, S Kleinau... - The Journal of Immunology, 2013Normal human sera (Innovative Research, Novi, MI) were used as negative controls. Immunoassays ELISA was performed in MaxiSorp plastic plates coated overnight with NC1 monomers (100 ng/well) or NC1 hexamers (300 ng/well) and then blocked with 1% BSA.
RNA aptasensor for rapid detection of natively folded type A botulinum neurotoxin
P Janardhanan, CM Mello, BR Singh, J Lou, JD Marks... - Talanta, 2013Molecular biology grade dithiothreitol (DTT) was obtained from Promega (Madison, WI). Pooled normal human serum was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). 2.2. Biotinylated RNA aptamer synthesis.
Innovative Research's Single Donor Human Serum was recently used in the following studies:
Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for determination of phencyclidine in human serum and its application to human drug abuse cases
KC Chimalakonda, C Hailey, R Black, A Beekman... - Anal. Methods, 2010 - xlink.rsc.orgHuman O serum was obtained from Innovative Research, Inc., Peary Court Novi, Mich, USA Drug free human serum from individual donors was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). Drug free human whole blood was obtained from the Clinical Laboratory at the University of Arkansas Hospital (Little Rock, AR).
Inhibition of the Growth of Plasmodium falciparum in Culture by Stearylamine-Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes
GM Hasan, N Garg, E Dogra, R Surolia... - ... Parasitology Research, 2011 - hindawi.comHuman O serum was obtained from Innovative Research, Inc., Peary Court Novi, Mich, USA Mayer, LCL Tai, DSC Ko et al., "Influence of vesicle size, lipid composition, and drug-to-lipid ratio on the biological activity of liposomal doxorubicin in mice," Cancer Research
Innovative Research's Charcoal Stripped Pooled Human Serum was recently used in the following study:
An Improved Method for the Study of Apoptosis-related Genes using the tet-on System
MW Halterman - Journal of Biomolecular Screening, 2011 - jbx.sagepub.comstandard protocols maintained in DMEM/8% serum containing 200 g/mL hygromycin for maintenance. Stripped serum was used throughout to minimize basal pBig2i activity Innovative Research, Novi, MI. In vitro hypoxia model.