Innovative Research on the Forefront of Cancer Research

Innovative Research is quickly moving to the forefront of cancer research and development. We now offer several types of cancer plasma, cancer serum, and tissue samples. These high quality reagents are available from a variety of different types of cancer including breast cancer, carcinoma, cervix, colon, head and neck and much more. Multiple stages are available and all samples are available from various types of donors. Innovative hopes by providing high quality cancer research material that one day with further research and development we can find a cure for cancer.

Important cell types involved in cancer growth
There are several different cell types that are critical to tumor growth. In particular Endothelial Progenitor Cells are a very important cell population in tumor blood vessel growth. This finding was demonstrated in the high impact factor journals of Science (2008) and Genes and Development (2007)which also showed that Endothelial Progenitor Cells are critical for metastasis and the angiogenesis. This importance of endothelial progenitor cells in tumour growth and angiogenesis has been confirmed by a recent publication in Cancer Research (August 2010). This seminal paper has demonstrated that endothelial progenitor cells can be marked using the Inhibitor of DNA Binding 1 (ID1). This novel finding meant that investigators were able to track endothelial progenitor cells from the bone marrow to the blood to the tumour-stroma and even incorporated in tumour vasculature. This finding of endothelial progenitor cells incorporated in tumour vasculature proves the importance of this cell type in blood vessel development in a tumour setting. Furthermore, ablation of the endothelial progenitor cells in the bone marrow lead to a significant decrease in tumour growth and vasculature development. Therefore endothelial progenitor cells are very important in tumour biology and present novel therapeutic targets.

In Vitro Research Using Cell Lines
In vitro assays allow scientists to conduct studies under reasonable conditions in the lab. In order to study the communication between a tumor cell and a host cellin vitroassays have been created. The use of fragmented chicken heart cells as a host was developed by Mareel. Holtfreter discovered a method of keeping the chicken heart cells from sticking to the Petri dish. In one study, the objective was to see how the tumor cell would communicate with the host cell's metabolism by studying thegap junctionbetween the host cell and the tumor cell. Tumor cells were grown and then individually mixed with those from a chicken's heart. The purpose of the chicken heart cells was to provide the cancer cells with something to attach to or in this case invade. The cells were grown in wells which were called PHF or pre-cultured heart fragments. Five cancer cell lines were used BICR/M1Rk, C6, EMT6/Ro, L, andHeLa. The different cell lines were put through a series of tests including electrophysiological measurements and histology using a light microscope to collect ultrastructural data. In the multi cell tumor spheroids, most of the tumor cell lines showed tight packing except for BICR/M1Rk-MTS (multicell tumor spheroids). BICR/M1Rk-MTS cells appeared to be loosely packed and large in size. Once the tumor cells were mixed with the PHF cells were observed to see if they were invaded, and the time to cell invasion was recorded.

After the timed incubation periods BICR/M1Rk, C6, and EMT6/Ro showed invasion of PHF within a short period of time via gap junctions. Each cancer cell was able to invade the host's cell and destroy it. In the case of the HeLa cells and L cells, there were no advancement into the PHF, except after a few days HeLa cells were able to invade and destroy the host cell. Though the host cell was not destroyed the cancer cells each surrounded the host's cell, but only after many hours. This means that it is possible for the process of tumor cell invasion due toheterologousintercellular communication. The HeLa cells took a long time to invade the cell. This could be due to the over growth of HeLa cells created over time. Since there were so many HeLa cells surrounding the PHF it believed that the lack of space created a competition for nutrients. Thus allowing the HeLa cells to, in a sense win, and over take the PHF. In the case of the L tumor cells, they were not able to invade the PHF. Though HeLa cells were able to accomplish invasion after several hours the L cells are structurally different rendering them inadequate. The L cells have much more intercellular free space and do not surround the host cell as tightly as Hela cells. It was concluded that with a tight gap junction nutrients cannot enter the cell allowing the cancer cells to invade. With this information about the gap junction process between host cell and the tumor cell, further studies were conducted in cancer gene therapy with the use of Hela cells and the herpes virus.