(July 9, 2015) Innovative Research's Innovative Grade US Origin Wistar Rat Whole Blood was recently used in the following study:
A fluorescence assay for measuring acetylcholinesterase activity in rat blood and a human neuroblastoma cell line (SH-SY5Y)
MF Santillo, Y Liu - Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 2015... (Manassas, VA, USA). Pooled whole blood from Wistar rats (containing EDTA) was purchased from Innovative Research Inc. (Novi, MI, USA). Chlorpyrifos-oxon and paraoxon were purchased from Chem Service, Inc. (West Chester, PA, USA). ...
(July 9, 2015) Innovative Research's Innovative Grade US Origin Sheep Serum was recently used in the following study:
Host Specificity of Ovine Bordetella parapertussis and the Role of Complement
SE Hester, LL Goodfield, J Park, HA Feaga, YV Ivanov - PloS one, 2015... Briefly, blood collected from C57BL/6 mice or C3 -/- mice, was pooled, incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes and centrifuged at 250 x g for 10 min. Sheep serum was obtained from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). Complement ...
(July 15, 2015) Innovative Research's Sheep Anti Rat & Mouse Renin IgG Fraction was recently used in the following study:
Ultrastructural and Immunohistochemical Localization of the Plasma Membrane Ca2-ATPase 4 (PMCA4) in Ca2-Transporting Epithelia
RT Alexander, MR Beggs, R Zamani, N Marcussen - American Journal of , 2015... antibodies against endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS, R&D systems, Abingdon, United Kingdom). 7) 173 Sheep polyclonal anti-body recognizing mouse and rat renin (ISASRREN-GF, Innovative Research, Novi, 174 MI, USA). 175 176...
(July 20, 2015) Innovative Research's Pooled Normal Human Serum was recently used in the following study:
Enhanced immunogenicity of a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) F subunit vaccine formulated with the adjuvant GLA-SE in cynomolgus macaques
K Patton, S Aslam, C Shambaugh, R Lin, D Heeke - Vaccine, 2015... Test samples and positive control sera (IPLA-SER, Innovative Research, Novi MI) were heat inactivated, initially diluted 1:10, and 3-fold serially diluted in virus growth medium (VGM), comprised of minimum essential medium containing Earle's balance salt solution, 1 non ...
(July 21, 2015) Innovative Research's Chicken Red Blood Cells, Packed 5% was recently used in the following study:
Production of influenza virus-like particles from stably transfected Trichoplusia ni BT1 TN-5B1-4 cells
GP Hong, JH Park, HH Lee, KO Jang, DK Chung - and Bioprocess Engineering, 2015...a series of 2-fold dilutions of VLPs (50 L, pelleted eluates of sucrose cushion ultracentrifu- gation and fractions from sucrose gradient ultracentrifu- gation) in PBS (pH 7.2) were mixed with 25 L of 1% (v/v) chicken red blood cells (Innovative Research, Novi, MI, USA) and ...
(July 22, 2015) Innovative Research's Innovative Grade US Origin Canine Plasma was recently used in the following study:
Sitagliptin Results in a Decrease of Truncated Apolipoprotein C1
NEB Skinner, MS Wroblewski, JA Kirihara - Diabetes Therapy...Five healthy volunteers (2F/3 M, age 31.2 ? 8.6, BMI 23.2 ? 3.1) received 3-day administration of sitagliptin (100mg/day). Blood was drawn into citrate anticoagulant at baseline and 3 days. Mouse and dog plasmas were purchased from Innovative Research, Novi, MI, USA.
(July 22, 2015)Innovative Research's Innovative Grade US Origin Balb C Mouse Plasma was recently used in the following study:
Sitagliptin Results in a Decrease of Truncated Apolipoprotein C1
NEB Skinner, MS Wroblewski, JA Kirihara - Diabetes Therapy...Five healthy volunteers (2F/3 M, age 31.2 ? 8.6, BMI 23.2 ? 3.1) received 3-day administration of sitagliptin (100mg/day). Blood was drawn into citrate anticoagulant at baseline and 3 days. Mouse and dog plasmas were purchased from Innovative Research, Novi, MI, USA.
(July 22, 2015) Innovative Research's Sheep Red Blood Cells, Packed 100% was recently used in the following study:
How do duration, frequency, and intensity of exogenous CORT elevation affect immune outcomes of stress?
GL McCormick, K Shea, T Langkilde - General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2015... We washed SRBC (Innovative Research, Novi, MI) with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and brought it to a 2% solution with PBS. We thawed 25l of plasma, diluted it 1:1 with PBS (25 L), and serially diluted this solution to 1:64 in a 96-well plate using a multichannel pipette.