Innovative Research Product References-March Publications

(March 5, 2015) Innovative Research's Human tPA Total ELISA Kit was recently used in the following study:

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Tissue Plasminogen Activator Administered Through an External Ventricular Drain

AH Kramer, C Jenne, JK Holodinsky, S Todd - Neurocritical Care, 2015
Enzyme lined immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing was used to measure TPA (Innovative Research, Novi, MI) and D-dimer concentrations. D-dimer is a fibrin Neurocrit Care 123 Page 3.

(March 8, 2015) Innovative Research's Pooled Normal Human Serum was recently used in the following study:

Massive Glutamine Cyclization to Pyroglutamic Acid in Human Serum Discovered Using NMR Spectroscopy

GAN Gowda, YN Gowda, D Raftery - Analytical Chemistry, 2015
Pooled human serum (100 mL) was procured from Innovative Research, Inc. Page 4 of 21 ...Page 5. 5 (Novi, MI) and shipped to Seattle under dry ice, where it was subsequently thawed and aliquoted into 2 mL Eppendorf tubes and frozen at -80...

(March 12, 2015) Innovative Research's Normal Single Donor Human Plasma was recently used in the following study:

Multivariate analysis of traumatic brain injury: development of an assessment score

JE Buonora, AM Yarnell, R Lazarus, M Mousseau - Name: Frontiers in , 2015
...123 This investigation involved two separate sets of control samples. The control samples for the study of 124 mild-moderate TBI consisted of thirty normal adult, age and gender matched, healthy volunteers 125 obtained commercially from Innovative Research (Novi, MI).

(March 24, 2015) Innovative Research's Single Donor Human Whole Blood was recently used in the following study:

Phthalocyanine-loaded graphene nanoplatform for imaging-guided combinatorial phototherapy

O Taratula, M Patel, C Schumann, MA Naleway - International Journal of , 2015
... hemolytic activity Hemolysis experiments were carried out according to previously published reports.32,34 Samples of ethylenediaminetet- raacetic acid (EDTA)-stabilized human blood were freshly acquired (Innovative Research Inc., Novi, MI, USA).

(March 30, 2015) Innovative Research's Charcoal Dextran Stripped Human Serum was recently used in the following study:

Determination of iohexol in human serum by a semi-automated liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method

FB Vicente, GK Vespa, F Carrara, F Gaspari - Clinical Biochemistry, 2015
... Ammonium acetate (HPLC grade) and formic acid (ACS-certified, 99% purity) were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Charcoal dextran stripped human serum was from Innovative Research (Novi, MI, USA). Instrument and method details. LC-MS/MS conditions.

(March 30, 2015) Innovative Research's Normal Single Donor Human Plasma was recently used in the following study:

A Simple Protein Precipitation-based Simultaneous Quantification of Lovastatin and Its Active Metabolite Lovastatin Acid in Human Plasma by Ultra-Performance

J Wujian, P Kuan-wei, Y Sihyung, S Huijing, S Mario - J Chromatogr Sep Tech, 2015
...Optima-grade water, acetonitrile, methanol and acetic acid were obtained from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA, USA). Blank human plasma (collected in K2-EDTA tubes) was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI, USA). Instrument and chromatographic conditions...