(11-3-15) Innovative Research's Pooled Complement Human Serum was recently used in the following study:
Antibodies produced by clonally expanded plasma cells in multiple sclerosis cerebrospinal fluid cause demyelination of spinal cord explants
K Blauth, J Soltys, A Matschulat, CR Reiter, A Ritchie - Acta Neuropathologica, 2015... rAbs derived from MS patients and neuroinflammatory controls were applied to the media for 72 h at concentrations of 50 g/mL in the presence and absence of 10 % human complement (hComp) (pooled nor- mal human complement serum; Innovative Research, Novi, MI, USA ...
(11-3-15) Innovative Research's Single Donor Human Serum was recently used in the following study:
Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric assay for the simultaneous determination of the irreversible BTK inhibitor ibrutinib and its dihydrodiol-metabolite in
JJM Rood, S van Hoppe, AH Schinkel, JHM Schellens - Journal of Pharmaceutical , 2015... West Sussex, UK). For the evaluation of selectivity and matrix effect, human lithium-heparinized plasma of six individual donors were obtained from Innovative Research (Novi, MI, USA). 2.2.
(11-7-15) Innovative Research's Human Resistin ELISA Kit was recently used in the following study:
PDF Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, trans-forming growth factor-1, nerve growth factor, resistin and hyaluronic acid as serum markers: comparison between
MG Kamath, CG Pai, A Kamath, A Kurien - 2015... The serum markers were determined by using commercially available ELISA kits for MCP-1 (Yes Biotech Laboratories Ltd., Canada), TGF-1 (Yes Biotech Labo- ratories Ltd.), NGF (Signosis, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA), Resistin (Innovative Research, Novi, MI, USA) and HA ...
(11-7-15) Innovative Research's Sheep Anti Rat & Mouse Renin IgG Fraction was recently used in the following study:
PDF A single simple procedure for dewaxing, hydration and heat-induced epitope retrieval (HIER) for immunohistochemistry in formalin fixed paraffin-embedded tissue
IMS Paulsen, H Dimke, S Frische - European Journal of Histochemistry, 2015... 14 pNKCC2: H934, a custom made rabbit poly- clonal antibody specifically recognizing a double phosphorylated form of the furosemide sensitive sodium, potassium, 2 chloride co-transporter, NKCC2.9 Renin: ISASRREN-GF, (Innovative Research, Novi, MI, USA), sheep ...
(11-7-15) Innovative Research's Innovative Grade US Origin Bovine Whole Blood was recently used in the following study:
Paper-capillary spray for direct mass spectrometry analysis of biofluid samples
Y Ren, S Chiang, W Zhang, X Wang, Z Lin, Z Ouyang - Analytical and Bioanalytical... Louis, MO, USA). Bovine whole blood was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI, USA). Chromatography papers (Grade 1 and 31ET) used for making paper substrates were purchased from Whatman (Whatman International, Maidstone, UK). ...
(11-23-2015) Innovative Research's Human Lactoferrin ELISA Kit was recently used in the following study:
Innate Immune Factors in Mothers' Breast Milk and Their Lack of Association With Rotavirus Vaccine Immunogenicity in Nicaraguan Infants
S Becker-Dreps, WS Choi, L Stamper, S Vilchez - Journal of the Pediatric , 2015... where serum samples were separated and then stored at 70C and breast milk samples were stored at 70C. Commercial kits were used to assay breast milk concentrations of lactoferrin (Innovative Research Inc, Novi, MI)...
(11-23-15) Innovative Research's Pooled Normal Human Serum was recently used in the following study:
Globally Optimized Targeted Mass Spectrometry (GOT-MS): Reliable Metabolomics Analysis with Broad Coverage
H Gu, P Zhang, J Zhu, D Raftery - Analytical Chemistry, 2015... To develop GOT-MS, pooled human serum samples were purchased from 106 Innovative Research, Inc. (Novi, MI). For the CRC metabolomics study, serum samples 107 from 18 CRC patients and 20 healthy controls were selected from those involved in our 108 ...
(11-23-15) Innovative Research's Normal Human Breast Milk was recently used in the following study:
PDF Sensing Small Changes in Protein Abundance: Stimulation of Caco-2 Cells by Human Whey Proteins
JK Cundiff, EJ McConnell, KJ Lohe, S Maria - of Proteome Research, 2015... Human breast milk was from Innovative Research, Inc. (Novi, MI) and the whey proteins (WP) extracted as previously described. ...
(11-27-15) Innovative Research's Mouse Serum was recently used in the following study:
PDF Identification and Characterization of the Trypanosoma cruzi B-cell Superantigen Tc24
SM Gunter, KM Jones, B Zhan, HT Essigmann - The American Journal of , 2015... cardiac puncture under anesthesia (150 mg/kg ketamine/15 mg xylazine). Pooled sera from noninfected and noninjected Balb/c, C57BL/6, CD-1, and non-Swiss albino mice were also obtained from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). ...
(11-27-15) Innovative Research's Innovative Grade US Origin Sprague Dawley Rat Plasma was recently used in the following study:
Simultaneous determination of 3-mercaptopyruvate and cobinamide in plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
MW Stutelberg, JK Dzisam, AR Monteil, I Petrikovics - Journal of Chromatography , 2015... Cbi as a cyanide therapeutic in rats. Rat plasma (with Na Heparin as an anti-coagulant) was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI) and stored at -80 C until used....
(12-17-15) Innovative Research's Sheep Red Blood Cells, Packed 100% was recently used in the following study:
Tolerogenic nanoparticles to induce immunologic tolerance: Prevention and reversal of FVIII inhibitor formation
AH Zhang, RJ Rossi, J Yoon, H Wang, DW Scott - Cellular Immunology, 2015... Sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were purchased from Innovative Research, Inc., (Novi, MI)...
(12-22-15) Innovative Research's Pooled Normal Human Plasma was recently used in the following study:
Development and validation of a highly sensitive LCMS/MS method for the determination of acacetin in human plasma and its application to a protein binding study
SB Kim, T Lee, HS Lee, CK Song, HJ Cho, DD Kim - Archives of Pharmacal Research... Sang-Bum KimAffiliated withNew Drug Development Center, DaeguGyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation; , Taehun LeeAffiliated withCollege of ... Pooled normal human plasma (from donors aged 1865 years) was purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI, USA). ...
(12-29-15) Innovative Research's Mouse Prorenin 8x His was recently used in the following study:
Activation of ENaC in Collecting Duct Cells by Prorenin and Its Receptor PRR: Involvement of Nox4-Derived Hydrogen Peroxide
X Lu, F Wang, M Liu, KT Yang, A Nau, DE Kohan - American Journal of , 2015... 98 Mouse prorenin (IMPREN-HIS) purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI, USA) ...