Specialized Biologicals for Your Research

Specialized Biologicals for Your Research

With such a large catalog of available products, we've been working on creating meaningful, easy-to-use collections that group related products together. We want to make it easier than ever for you to find exactly what you need, right when you need it! Some of these recent collections include:

Pediatric Biospecimens
Collected from juvenile patients, our range of pediatric biologicals for in-vitro research use include standard blood products like whole blood, plasma, and serum as well as other frequently-requested biomaterials like fecal matter/stool samples, urine, and saliva.

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Specialized Animal Products
In addition to our standard animal products , we offer a line of whole blood and blood-derived products, as well as proteins, enzymes, and antibodies, from more specialized sources - including alligator, donkey, emu, goose, llama, salmon, snake, and trout, among others. 

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