Buying human biologicals for research purposes as well as having patent right to them has been accompanied by lots of ethical questions for as long as they have been used.
Human biological fluid research materials are also accompanied by another issue, who is the rightful owner of a particular human biological material? Issues like this make it necessary for buyers to have information on when purchasing so that they do not fall prey to inadequate information that compromises valuable research.
What do we mean when we are discussing human biological research materials? In section four of the Health Research Act it defines human biologics as parts of organs, cells, tissues or other components of any material sourced from a human being whether they are alive or dead.
Tip #1 - Understand the property rights that are common to the human biological you wish to purchase.
To know the right of ownership of any human biological materials (such as the human biological fluid research material) is essential because it will evade you from unnecessary legal injunctions. This is particularly important when using materials in research. The last thing that is needed when doing research is complications on the research materials that are used.
A standard reference to such issues is seen in the case of Doctor Fremont and Simon. Doctor Fremont applied for a patent right to Fremont's DNA and got approved but there was no legal precision on ownership of the molecular pathology materials. For more information and details on this case take a look into "the taking of human biologicals".
The point is this: before you apply for a patent or buy any human biological you should have adequate knowledge about the property right of such human biologicals. Just a hint here! For human biologicals such as human biological fluids materials, the legal position on it is that patents do not cover it when they are still in the human body, but when they are outside the human body, the patent holder can exercise an exclusive right to such materials.
Tip #1 - Understand the requirements of the particular human biological fluid research materials you want to purchase.
Human biological fluid research materials such as blood, serum and plasma have standard requirements for the buyer. First, the blood will need to be stored in a refrigerator. This is a standard requirement for you as a buyer. Blood storage refrigeration is unlike traditional domestic refrigeration equipment. The following refers to some specifications that are unique to a blood storage refrigerator.
- Must have an all round heavier insulation, which enables it to hold the required temperature in any case of power failure. With such insulin, it should be able to maintain temperatures between +20 and +60
- A blood storage refrigerator should have a cooling fan that enables it to distribute air in the cabinet evenly.
- It should have a good temperature monitoring device, which should comprise of an external temperature display and an alarm system for abnormal temperature or in the event of power failure.
In our next installment on buying human biological we will continue to look more in depth at the requirements of the particular human biological fluid research materials.
Learn more about Innovative Research and our high quality research materials including human, plant, and animal biological, ELISA & Assay Kits, proteins, antibodies, cell cultures, blood, serum, plasma, and more. More information can be found at or by calling 248.896.0145.