What's new at Innovative Research: A peek behind the curtain

What's new at Innovative Research: A peek behind the curtain

Well, the upheaval has passed, we've traveled down that yellow brick road, and the new and improved Innovative Research website has been up and running for just over two months now. And while it might not be quite as sparkly as Oz, we're really happy with how it's been working for all of you! We've been getting great feedback from our customers – if you have thoughts of your own you want to share, please reach out! We'd love to hear from you.

We're off to see the wizard…

Behind-the-curtain, we're hard at work making more of our product catalog available for immediate purchase, so keep checking back as we add more items to the website in the coming days and weeks. And while we're not wizards, we will be rolling out additional features and functionality based on what you've been asking for, so please let us know if there's anything in particular you'd like to see happening!

If I only had that thing…

As always, if you're having trouble finding just the right product, please reach out to our team. Not only do we have hundreds of additional products available, but we are able to customize most of them to meet your exact research specifications. Some of our favorite requests are for the products collected with crazy specificity! From donor characteristics to matched sets, custom collection methods to custom concentrations, we do this every day. Let our team of experts shoulder the work of sourcing and shipping the materials you need so you can get back to your next big breakthrough.

If I only had a quote…

As we roll through the summer, we're seeing requests related to budget and research planning for the coming fiscal year (whatever that cycle looks like for you). If you have a big project coming up, or if you're planning your next budget, please let us know how we can help! It seems that this process typically starts with an official quote, so let us know if we can send one your way to help streamline your short- and long-term planning.

If I only had automatic shipments…

Did you know? We can automate your purchase cycle for you! Not only can we help you map out your long-term projects, we can also proactively set up a shipping schedule that works for you throughout the duration of your research. Need a box of biologicals to show up in your lab the second Thursday of every month? Not a problem! Need to break those collections into shipments that show up across six months? We can do that, too! We're set up to help you easily find and receive the reliable, consistent products you need, exactly when you need them. We do this every day!

If I only had support…

If you're looking at a big project and not sure where to start, you can lean on our team of experts for help! We're not kidding… send us your weird requests, budget planning requests, your "I can't find this product anywhere, help!" requests, whatever you need! We're here to make your job easier, and we're good at what we do. Not only that, but we really do have a team of experts back here behind the curtain. With real-life scientists and medical doctors on staff, we can help with even the most technical of questions.

Click those heels together three times…

There's no place like Innovative Research! It's easier than you think to have our team take on some of the heavy lifting. Just get in touch with us in the way that is most convenient for you – you can fill out our contact form, send us an email, or give us a ring at 248-896-0145. Just let us know what's on your plate and how we can help. It's really that easy!

In the meantime, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter below to keep up with all of the exciting things that are happening here at Innovative Research. You can also connect with us on LinkedIn and follow us on Instagram to keep up with the latest blog posts and product references, along with the occasional behind-the-scenes update!