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Reversing Alzheimer's disease may be possible, according to new mouse study
As reported in ScienceDaily, one of the earliest events that occurs with Alzheimer's disease is an unusual buildup of beta-amyloid...
DNA Transcription: New Research Offers New Insight
In order to "read" the information from a gene - for purposes like mapping a human genome - the gene...
Medical science breakthrough! First functioning kidney tissue has been produced.
Medical science has reached an exciting new milestone this month, when scientists were able to successfully produce human kidney tissue...
Detecting Alzheimer's risk with a blood test
New research suggests that something as simple as a blood test could potentially reveal whether a person is at risk...
First Bovine Embryonic Stem Cells Could Improve Livestock Genetics
Although the first embryonic stem cells were developed from mice in 1981, and human embryonic stem cells were cultured in...