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Amish Mutation Protects Against Diabetes and May Extend Life
The clinic parking lot in Berne, Ind., where some of the Amish residents carry a genetic mutation that may have...
The Research Process Involving Human and Animal Biologicals
Biologicals can be defined as pharmacological products utilized in healthcare research, diagnosis and prevention for treatment of diseases and observation...
Packing Anti-cancer Agents within Albumin Boosts Combo Therapy Effectiveness Against Prostate Cancer, Study Shows
Combinations of certain anti-cancer therapies are more effective against castration-resistant prostate cancer if the drugs are packed within serum albumin,...
The Significance of Harvesting Fetal Bovine Serum in Animal Biologicals
FBS, otherwise known as, Fetal Bovine Serum is fetal serum from a calf and is blood that is fractioned and...
Move Over Stitches, Human Protein Glue is Here
MeTro is a new flexible adhesive made from a modified human protein that's capable of healing wounds faster and better...