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A Universal Flu Vaccine Could Be On The Way
During the late summer months influenza hunters visit hot zones where viruses are known to breed exponentially. Areas like these...
Hearing Restored to Mice with Genetic Deafness through Gene Therapy
After focusing on the transmembrane channel-like protein 1 (TMC1) gene, researchers at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School were...
Brain Cells Have Greater Plasticity Than Previously Thought
While brain cells do not divide, and the ones a person is born with must last a lifetime, new research...
Innovative Research Product References - June Publications
(June 17, 2015) Innovative Research's Pooled Normal Human Plasma was recently used in the below study: A rapid LCMRM/MS assay...
New Model of MS May Lead to Better Therapeutic Options
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most devastating neurological diseases as it produces antibodies that attack the brain and...