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Amgen enzyme combats obesity, diabetes in monkeys
Amgen (AMGN) has an interesting new weapon in the battle againstobesity. The company's scientists successfully used an antibody they discovered...
Stem cell-reliant HIV vaccine launches animal studies in January
Scientists at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute have big plans for a new treatment designed to help stop the transmission...
Roche to release Tamiflu data
Roche has said it will let researchers have access to more data on its influenza vaccine Tamiflu, apparently under pressure...
McGill scientists link autistic behavior to brain protein mutation
McGill Universityresearchers and colleagues discovered a protein abnormality linked to symptoms ofautismin mice. Interestingly, as Bloomberg reports, the scientists were...
Radioactive injectable polymer safely kills tumors in mice
Duke University scientists and their colleagues have concocted a new way to combat tumors. In short, they successfully tested a...