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Stem cells: A future treatment for Type 1 diabetes
Researchers in Austria were able to both identify and isolate adult pancreatic stem cells, and then trigger their transformation into...
Scientists crack genetic code for rare childhood leukemia variation
From the FierceBiotech article: Scientists believe they've cracked the code to a rare variation of childhood leukemia, and the key...
Breast cancer drug could cut other tumors' blood supply
A long-standing breast cancer drug may have legs as a weapon against other kinds of tumors, according to scientists from...
Thousands of NYU research mice destroyed in Sandy wake
Hurricane Sandy wreaked major havoc on New York University Hospital's preclinical research efforts, inflicting damage that destroyed projects years in...
Raise Awareness and Funds for Cancer Research
On Sunday, October 21st, hundreds of people will gather in Battery Park for the 6th annual Breathe Deep NYC 3K...