Separation of sub-micron particles from micron particles using acoustic fluid relocation combined with acoustophoresis
Posted by Leanne Kodsman on
Separation of sub-micron particles from micron particles using acoustic fluid relocation combined with acoustophoresis
Gayatri P. Gautam, Rubi Gurung, Frank A. Fencl, Menake E. PiyasenaAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, October 2018
" ... We demonstrate the proof of the concept using binary mixtures of particles comprised of sub-micron/micron particles, micron/micron particles, and bovine red blood cells with E. coli ... B-RBCs were purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI) ... To demonstrate the proof of the concept, fluorescent and non-fluorescent solutions with different mass densities, solutions containing mixtures of suspended micron particles and sub-micron particles, E. coli, and B-RBCs were utilized; 2.5 uM fluorescein solutions were prepared by dissolving fluorescein sodium salt in D.I. water and 0.1X PBS. For the particle mixtures, fluorescent NR-ps with different diameters were suspended in D.I. water. B-RBCs and E. coli were diluted in 1X PBS buffer..."
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