Product References — Human Serum
Pooled Complement Human Serum Reference 6-20-12
Posted by Leanne Kodsman on
Innovative Research's Pooled Complement Human Serum was recently used in the following study: Super-resolution imaging of aquaporin-4 orthogonal arrays of particles in cell membranesA Rossi, TJ Moritz, J Ratelade... - Journal of Cell ..., 2012 - NMO or control rAb, or 2 mg/ml IgG purified from NMO or control sera plus fresh or heat-inactivated human complement (20%, pooled human complement serum, Innovative Research, Novi,MI). C1q binding was measured...
Pooled Complement Human Serum Reference 11-8-11
Posted by Leanne Kodsman on
Innovative Research's Pooled Complement Human Serum was recently used in the following study: Ex vivo spinal cord slice model of neuromyelitis optica reveals novel immunopathogenic mechanismsH Zhang, JL Bennett, AS Verkman - Annals of neurology, 2011 - Wiley Online Library...In a 3-day model, NMO-IgG (NMO-rAb or control-rAb, each 10g/ml), or purified IgG (NMO-IgG serum or control-IgG serum , 300g/ml) and/or human complement (10%, pooled normal human complement serum; Innovative Research, Novi, MI) were added on day 7 to the...
Pooled Complement Human Serum Reference 5-5-11
Posted by Leanne Kodsman on
Innovative Research's Pooled Complement Human Serum was recently used in the following study: Histamine release associated with intravenous delivery of a fluorocarbon-based sevoflurane emulsion in caninesRA Johnson, KT Simmons, JP Fast... - Journal of ..., 2011 - Wiley Online Library...Complement Analysis. Pooled complement-preserved human serum (Innovative Research, Novi, Michigan) was combined with components of the emulsion to test for complement activation in vitro. Complement activation was...
Pooled Complement Human Serum Reference 8-2011
Posted by Leanne Kodsman on
Innovative Research's Pooled Complement Human Serum was recently used in the following study: Robust substrate profiling method reveals striking differences in specificities of serum and lung fluid proteasesDS Watson, K Jambunathan, DS Askew... - ..., 2011 - samples were thawed on ice immediately prior to the assay. Complement preserved normal human serum was obtained from Innovative Research (Novi, MI, USA), stored at -80C until use, and used as supplied.
Pooled Normal Human Serum Reference 5-15-11
Posted by Leanne Kodsman on
Innovative Research's Pooled Normal Human Serum was recently used in the following study: Modulation of Thyroid Hormone Concentrations in Serum of Rats Coadministered with Perchlorate and Iodide-Deficient DietT Kunisue, JW Fisher, K Kannan - Archives of environmental ..., 2011 - Springer...The accuracy and precision of the method were evaluated by the use of human serum and rat serum purchased from Innovative Research (Novi, MI). A procedural recovery test was conducted by using human serum as a representative matrix.